Saturday, November 12, 2011

Keeping it Simple

And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs.Mark 16:20

Some days, the only thing one can do is to put one foot in front of the other and gain confidence as you move forward. It can be a slow task. I have been going to physical therapy, and every day I watch as people who are in pain take small steps toward recovery. They are working in small increment to strengthen and develop, one little exercise at a time, increasing mobility, agility and confirming their capacity to be strong after many challenges. It is like that in ministry and much of our life in faith. As we practice, we grow stronger, one step at a time, God firming what we are doing with glimpses of growth and strength. It doesn't come all at once usually, but in small doses and simple measures.

The lectionary for today is one single verse. Startling at first, I am reminded that small things are often the most powerful. We can be lost in a whole chapter, but one verse can serve as a priceless gem, with many facets radiating light as we turn the stone around and look more deeply. Jesus sends the disciples out and they find that, bit by bit, they grow in strength and capacity as they move out in faith. We are invited to see this as our invitation to step out in faith, one foot in front of the other, trusting God to provide the abundance and the increase and to affirm and deepen our ability to serve others.

Today, I ask God to help me take small steps, trusting that even the smallest of movement, the tiniest offering will move faith and love forward. May we all trust that no matter how fast or slow we move, no matter how small or great our gifts, God is deepening our resolve, strengthening and blessing us each step on our way.

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