Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Greater Things Than These

The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. He found Philip and said to him, “Follow me.” Now Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. Philip found Nathanael and said to him, “We have found him about whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus son of Joseph from Nazareth.” Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.” When Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him, he said of him, “Here is truly an Israelite in whom there is no deceit!” Nathanael asked him, “Where did you get to know me?” Jesus answered, “I saw you under the fig tree before Philip called you.” Nathanael replied, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!” Jesus answered, “Do you believe because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than these.” And he said to him, “Very truly, I tell you, you will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.” John 1:43-51 

Greater Things Than These

This is sacred land being destroyed
these are holy people being poisoned
elders and babies put at greater risk
so we can enjoy easy access to cheap fuel.

Now is the time for believers to rise
we are being called to greater things
we need to move mountains and rulers
we need to change selfish hardened hearts.

Seeing under a fig tree into his heart
is easier than stopping this plague of greed
which flows across our holy island
taking from the depths of our mother's heart.

It is the time to come out from the shade
stand in the intense august sunlight 
God is standing with those cherish the people
God is encamped with the most vulnerable.

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