Monday, November 28, 2022

Mary Letter Day Two

1 Happy are they who 
have not walked
 in the counsel of the wicked, * 
nor lingered in the way of sinners, 
nor sat in the seats of the scornful! 
2 Their delight is in the 
law of the LORD, *
 and on this law they meditate 
day and night. 
3 They are like trees 
planted by streams of water, 
bearing fruit in due season, 
with leaves that do not wither; * 
everything they do shall prosper. 
4 It is not so with the wicked; * 
they are like chaff which 
the wind blows away. 
5 Therefore the wicked 
shall not stand 
upright when judgment comes, * 
nor the sinner in the council of the righteous. 
6 For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, * 
but the way of the wicked is doomed. Psalm 1

Dear Auntie Eliabeth,

Thank you for your letter and your kind words! I am also so excited that you are with child! I can hardly believe it! You have waited so long and thought your time had passed. Since you are months ahead of me, there is so much you can teach me! I hope I can come and stay with you soon, since you offered.

Things are getting very tense here. Mama notice that my cycle hadn't returned. She questioned me until I told her about my dream. Mama and Papa are so angry and worried, I can tell. They have invited Joseph over tonight for dinner. He will probably take away his offer for marriage, and I don't blame him. I would rather not be here this evening, but Papa insists that we "get to the truth!" He doesn't believe me. Joseph has been kind and appropriate and has never sone anything to me! He doesn't deserve this scrutiny either. I feel very alone, but it helps knowing I can write to you, and you will understand.

When I get very upset and frightened, I recite the psalms I know. They feel like promises from God. They remind me that the challenges of being faithful are the same throughout history. King David's struggles are my struggles too. Please pray that we survive tonight and find a way forward. I am being faithful to God, but this is a terrible burden to bear.



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