Friday, December 9, 2022

Mary Letter Day Ten

1 In you, O LORD, have I taken refuge; 
let me never be put to shame; * 
deliver me in your righteousness. 
2 Incline your ear to me; * 
make haste to deliver me. 
3 Be my strong rock, 
a castle to keep me safe, 
for you are my crag 
and my stronghold; * 
for the sake of your Name, 
lead me and guide me. 
4 Take me out of the net that 
they have secretly set for me, * 
for you are my tower of strength. 
5 Into your hands I commend my spirit, * 
for you have redeemed me,
O LORD, O God of truth. Psalm 31:1-5

Dear Auntie,

Well, these past few days have been quite overwhelming. Mama is crazy with plans and cooking for the wedding. Since I have been sick, she won't let me help her, and insists that I eat every few hours to regain my strength. Mama is a wonderful cook, thank goodness. Papa has arranged for your rabbi to be with us very soon. And Mama has fashioned a beautiful dress for me to wear that hides my ever-swelling belly.

There have been some incidences that really shook me. Some women screamed at Mama while she was at the market. They said horrible things to her about me and about Joseph. Why would anyone attack my Mama? She the most faithful and kind person I know! Some people won't patronize Joseph's shop anymore and have said horrible things to him. They don't know how good a man and a carpenter he is! The wise women must have gossiped, and it has caught on like a wildfire. Then last night, some men stopped Papa right outside our door, as he was coming home and were very angry and mean. I heard part of what they said, and it was so cruel! These are our neighbors!

Auntie, I know you time has almost come, and I know you have dealt with great challenges. I pray that your labor is fast and gentle. You deserve something simple in this crazy world. Please let me know how you are doing. I miss you so much!



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