Second Sunday in Lent March 16, 2025
The heart of our God is always compassion and care. We humans have fickle hearts, running to one and then to another, with no care or consideration. We hear Jesus seeing himself in the maternal role, aching to gather us and protects us, as we run away in pursuit of passing fancies. God's love is constant, unfailing and always offered. Jesus aches for us, weeps for us and for Jerusalems everywhere, that say and pray one thing and do another. May we, in this season of Lent, return to the loving arms of our Creator, listening to the heartbeat and learning compassion again.
A Litany for the Second Sunday of Lent
Loving Creator, you brought us to life
you shelter and protect us from storms
and gather us in when we run far away.
Lord Jesus, be our shelter in the storms of life.
We love to wander aimlessly and stray
far from the safety of your tender embrace
because we think we know better than you.
Lord Jesus, be our shelter in the storms of life.
We are foolish humans prone to stumbling
and you are always loving and tender
make our hearts again like yours today.
Lord Jesus, be our shelter in the storms of life.
Our land and our world are full of troubles
you are our source and our very home.
Lord Jesus, be our shelter in the storms of life.
The storms have overtaken many of us
yet you promise to guide our feet home again.
Lord Jesus, be our shelter in the storms of life.
Help us to turn our hearts to you today
and make your love and tenderness our only guide.
Lord Jesus, be our shelter in the storms of life. Amen.
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