Yet be sure of this; the Kingdom of God is near. Luke 10:11
Today we are flying to Hawaii and I have the privilege to take part in their Diocesan Convention. Today's reading from Luke tells the story of Jesus sending 72 out with instructions to take nothing and stay where one is invited. I have set out to many places in my ministry, and some are more welcoming and cordial than others. Among the Native Hawaiians and the people of the Episcopal Church in Hawaii, I have had welcome beyond my deepest imaging - they have welcomed me as if I were at home. So for today, for all of us setting out to serve God in this world, I offer this simple prayer.
O Creator of all languages and locations,
Go with us today as we venture forth. We might feel inadequate and unprepared, but you promise to complete us. We may worry of our welcome, but in you we have a home, wherever we go. We might be anxious about the words we have to say, or the conflicts we will face, but you, who makes the streams run will give us voice and peace at every turn of the river. We may be taking small steps out of our comfortable places today, but you, who are love incarnate has promised to draw near.
Guide us, be with us, go before us and surround us with your love. Strengthen us, renew us and make us instruments of your love. May our comings and goings be your delight and our service. May we make our hearts and souls welcome places to you and all others whom we encounter this day. May our journey be a blessing for us all.
We ask this in the name of Christ who walked this earth, who journeyed with his disciples and journeys with us still, Amen.
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