"Blessed are the eyes that see what you see." Luke 10:23
We arrived in Hawaii, after midnight our time, just after sunset Hawaiian time. We found our hotel, some food and stumbled around falling asleep early. Travel, even to paradise, can provide some moments of absolute confusion, crankiness and disorientation. We were up early and headed out to the beach to watch the sun rise. Our travels have brought us to a most beautiful part of the world. Even with all the tourists and development, it is easy to see that the Creator made an incredibly beautiful, profoundly moving and overwhelming stunning world for us to live in. This island, like all of the islands on our small planet from Manhattan to Tahiti, demonstrate God's incredible creative activity. Humans rarely rise beyond utilitarian, but God's work continues to take our breath away.
The disciples encounter profoundly moving demonstrations of God's love. They see healing and transformation where there had been pain and suffering. In the midst of tense political and economic times, they were shown the profound capacity of God's love. They were instruments in that healing. They return to Jesus in awe and gratitude. And he reminds them of the blessing of being able to witness the profound creativity and transformation that God brings to ever member of creation. They saw what very few others see.
I pray today to have the sight to see the evidence of the Creator's love in every one and place I encounter today. We humans are very good at hiding the magnificence of the Creator's handiwork from one another. We hoard and hide. I pray to have the eyes with which to behold God's love transforming even the most broken places in this world.And I pray that each of us might have the eye sight granted to the disciples - to witness God's miracles of love and healing in our lives today.
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