Third Sunday in Lent
March 23, 2025
This is the time of year when I get very itchy to start planting although I know it is too soon. Instead, I get things prepared, choosing what we might plant this year, getting seeds from my tribe and preparing the beds for the coming plants and seeds. Before you think I am a good gardener, think again. I'm at best enthusiastic, with many fails and mistakes. My grandfather WalkingStick was a great gardener, but I have inherited very little of his skill or knowledge. Yet, every gardener wants their plants to thrive and will do everything possible to bring forth fruit. So, if we imperfect human gardeners are willing to do everything we can, how much more so will God do for us?
Wondrous Creator, you bring life and renewal
to the cold hard frosted grounds of winter
and turn them into bed of nourishment and hope.
Lord, let your love be sown deep in these challenging times.
We see the desolation around us and give up
aching to turn our backs on the world and burn it
wishing we had never even tried to bring new life.
Lord, let your love be sown deep in these challenging times.
You, O Lord of abundance and generous harvest
never give up on the worst sinners and dormant ones
and are always extending your grace to the hopeless.
Lord, let your love be sown deep in these challenging times.
Plant us deep this season and give us the strength
to produce good fruit in harsh and scary times.
Lord, let your love be sown deep in these challenging times.
We are weak and want to hide from the labor
make us strong enough to spread your compassion.
Lord, let your love be sown deep in these challenging times.
Use us to let this world know that love will conquer
for you, O Lord, give us what we need to thrive here.
Lord, let your love be sown deep in these challenging times. Amen.