"When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like a sheep without a shepherd."Mark 6:34
A Poem for Sheep without a Shepherd
The hills are dark and shadowy
I can hear my own voice bleating
and the winds howling and there is the scent
of wolves on the wind.
I didn't mean to wander so far
but was following others to sweet grass
and soft pasture, a place to eat and rest,
and now there is no rest but dark terrors of the night.
It isn't anything you said and did
to be this lost and so isolated
truly this isn't something you made
happens to every one at some time,
a flock with a wandering shepherd.
God is no wanderer, silent as the Creator may seem
you who cry in the dark, you are watched and cared for,
you will never be undone by this momentary isolation.
The Savior of the world came with compassion
looking over the lost and the helpless
sat them down and fed them abundantly
with baskets overflowing.
And so you too will be fed and find rest,
God is hovering over you now,
you are a priceless child, a needed heir
and you will be guided to sweet grass,
a soft place to lay your head
and you will be welcomed home.
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