Sunday, February 22, 2009

Going up the Mountain

"He led them up to a high mountain by themselves. Jesus was changed as he looked at them." Mark 9:2

Today is the last Sunday of Epiphany, the last Sunday before Lent begins on Wednesday. We hear the story of the mountain top experience that Peter, James and John had with Jesus before his final journey into Jerusalem. A high, thrilling and frightening moment, before everything collapsed around them and the world they knew darkened and turned. They were speechless as a voice from the clouds said, 'this is my beloved, listen to him.' They heard God's voice with clarity and simplicity and even then did not understand.

Today, I feel called to ponder the extraordinary moments of my life, those high, mountaintop experiences, that at the time, I did not understand. Now as we draw close to Lent, I want to think and pray about those moments and ask God to help me understand. All too often we breeze through our lives unexamined, and we miss the insight and joy that God has embedded in the obvious and the hidden. I want to take time this season, to ponder anew the gifts and skills that God has given me, the extraordinary moments and people in my life, and ask, 'how do I use these to serve God and my neighbor?' I hope you will join me in this time of asking God for new insight into the mundane and extraordinary that makes up all of our lives. I want to grow into God's beloved child this season and I invite you to do the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mary was here, and very much enjoyed reading your blog