Monday, January 4, 2021

Mary letter - Day 37

1 You have been gracious to your land, O LORD, * 
you have restored the good fortune of Jacob. 
2 You have forgiven the iniquity of your people * 
and blotted out all their sins. 
3 You have withdrawn all your fury * 
and turned yourself from your wrathful indignation.
 4 Restore us then, O God our Savior; * 
let your anger depart from us. 
5 Will you be displeased with us for ever? * 
will you prolong your anger from age to age?
6 Will you not give us life again, * 
that your people may rejoice in you? 
7 Show us your mercy, O LORD, * 
and grant us your salvation. 
8 I will listen, O LORD God, to what you are saying, * 
for you are speaking peace to your faithful people 
and to those who turn their hearts to you. 
9 Truly, your salvation is very near to those who fear you, * 
that your glory may dwell in our land. 
10 Mercy and truth have met together; * 
righteousness and peace have kissed each other. 
11 Truth shall spring up from the earth, * 
and righteousness shall look down from heaven. 
12 O LORD, you will indeed grant prosperity, *
and our land will yield its increase. 
13 Righteousness shall go before you, * 
and peace shall be a pathway for your feet. Psalm 85

Dear Mama,

Thank you  so much for your letter! We are hoping to be on the way home in the next few days. I am so glad you liked the tracing of his hands and feet. It was hard to keep this little one still, but it was worth it. I plan to copy them onto fabric and do some nice stitching around it. He is growing so fast and I want to capture every minute. Being a mother is a huge responsibility! There is so much to do for one so small and completely dependent on me. I never understood your worry and care for me but now I do! Oh, Mama, you are a wonderful mother, and if this child survives and thrives it will be, in great measure, thanks to you. 

Joseph is finalizing all the government filing with the census office. The supposedly efficient Roman government works very slowly here. Half the time there is no one for him to talk with form one day to the next. He has persisted and I think we can begin to make plans for our return. Joseph has proven, day after day, to be a good husband and father. He loved me and the baby and cares for both of us so gently and sweetly. He is always offering to watch the baby while I nap or wash, or whatever is needed. So considerate! Most men rush away from the work of women, but not him. I am so grateful. 

Mama the wise women are due here any moment to check me and make sure I am healed enough for travel. They are quite a group! It is like have four mothers with very strong opinions. They have cared for me so well, really. They took a stranger off the street, helped find us lodging, helped me through the birth and have my health at heart. I hope they tell me that I am fully healed so that we can come home to you and Papa.

Much love,


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