I saw crosses everywhere. I was taking a walk on the beach, a wal

k I have taken alone and with friends and family thousands of times. This early February morning I was alone, with my camera. I had questions on my heart for God. I was struggling with direction praying God to give me guidance. And every where I looked, I saw crosses. God inviting me to keep my eyes on the cross. Keeping my focus on Christ, knowing that in the midst of that horror, in the center of the bloody brokenness, God was (and is) doing a new thing.
Today is Good Friday, and I invite us all to keep our eyes on the cross. I want

t to turn away, really. I can't bear to imagine the despair and the pain that his mother and all that gathered there witnessed. I want to turn away because humanity can be so ugly, cruel and u

njust, so very often. But God is in the midst of the absolute worst of it. God is in the absolute worst of that Good Friday and I have to believe that God is in the midst of our absolute worst and most painful trials. I pray that we, today, can keep our eyes upon the cross. I pray to see crosses everywhere, trusting that God is transforming what I can't fix. May we all, this Good Friday, turn to the cross, turn to God who is restoring the unrepairable, mending the torn fabric, breathing life into out dead. May we see crosses everywhere and God in the midst of them.
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