Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Heart of God

Life and breath - my mother gave me those things and I am forever grateful. But those normal biological gifts pale in comparison to her faith, her constancy, her laughter, her insight and patience. How can we measure the true gifts we have been given by our mothers? For me, and for many other people, I know that my mother is the one person who loves me exactly how I am, even when she has been hoping and praying I would grow out of something or get beyond some other fad or relationship. My mother is the one person who sees beauty hidden underneath the dirt and grime, the tears and anger expressed. My mother is the the one person who can still touch my hand and change my heart. What a gift to have some one love us so much, with so much forgiveness and insight. How blessed I am that I still have my mother here on earth, and I can talk with her and she can give me counsel and pray for me. I am really fortunate.

Today is Pentecost, the day when the Church was born - by the power of the Holy Spirit the fledging church leaders, the followers of Jesus - moved from followers to empowered leaders who could speak directly to the people. God, through the Holy Spirit gave them strength and insight to do miraculous things, despite their human limitations. God the Holy Spirit, mothered a fledging church to a point where they could take steps out into the world with a strength, power and beauty they did not possess before. The Church was birthed, as we are birthed, through pain and patient waiting, and then was present with a loud rush, lungs full and the power of breath and life. We are truly fortunate and blessed that the birthing of churches and missions (as well as individuals) is an ongoing process and an act of God's fiercest love for each of us. The love of parent to child. The love that gives life and breath and constant encouragement. The love that sees beyond the grime and muck to the real person, the real potential, the living beautiful proclamation of God's continuing presence in the world.

May this day, I be full of gratitude. For my mother, and for her willingness to constantly encourage a feisty, creative child. For my mother's love that reveals the heart of God. And for my daughters, without whom I would not understand the heart of love, the heart of God, or the great gift that is my mother and them - and the great gift of my loving husband and partner, who helped me understand deeply a love that bears no grudge, but prays constantly for life, breath and grace. May we all, mothers and daughter, fathers, children, husbands and friends, be reminded today of God's love breaking through all the barriers and hidden places bringing life and strength and breath and voice to us all.

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