So today, I want to remember all of those folks who are at a distance from those they love. Whether because of geography, war, employment or dysfunction, may they know today that their shadow is present even when they cannot be. God love, shining through them, is part of the gathered clan, even when they feel so far away - so lonesome for their loved ones. And the reverse is also true, love is not bound by geography. They shadow of love is cast from those far away to those far away. Love binds us together when we are apart, as viscerally as when we are together. May all those suffering from the separation of distance be comforted today. And may we who know their discomfort reach out in love.
Morning Prayer
Dear God,
This morning the light comes early and we know from our weary bones that we are still tired. Give us your compassion today to speak from love and not from weariness. Help our brittle bodies be supple with compassion. Empower those who are worn done to be renewed by your spirit. Give us all an extra measure of you laughter and joy today, so that our struggles might be bound up completely in your love, Amen.
Evening Prayer
Precious Savior,
as we rest our weary heads this night, let us remember those who are far away from loved ones, those who are lonely, and those who have no where to rest their weary bones. Give us refreshment that we might be strengthened to care for the unloved, the lonely and those who can never go home. May we remember that we are at home in you, in your name, we pray, Amen.
Good morning.
I really enjoy reading your blog. I don't understand a comment you made in Saturday's entry. What do you mean by "...I didn't have a full time job..." How can being a bishop be part time deal?
Al Webster
Dear Al Webster,
Being a Bishop is a full-time life-long call. When I was released by the new Bishop of Newark from my position, I have spent my time writing a book, helping out in North Dakota and teaching. But attendance at Lambeth (this is a new requirement this Lambeth) required that I had a full-time paid position. Hence, I was dis-invited to attend. God willing, I will be allowed to attend next time. Thanks for your question, comment and support.
Many blessings,
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