It had rained yesterday, early in the morning, just before dawn. When the rain let up, I took a walk down to the beach, to watch the waves and see the day begin. I cannot count the number of times I have walked on this beach. I have known it since I was born, and it has known me as long. Every time I walk, I remember the many people I have walked and played with there. As a young child it was building sand castles, fishing and learning to swim with my family. As a teenager, my friends and I brought our guitars and sang, built bonfires and were terribly brilliant and earnest. As young parents we built castles and swam with our children, and now that they are grown we still walk this way together from time to time. The light struggled to break up the clouds, and the waves beat upon the sand trying to turn and draw back. One fisherman, way out on the rocks, tried his hand at gathering fish. The gulls and surf were singing and all else was silent. This place persists despite time and tide and tempers of people. The creatures that live and dwell in this place persist, struggling with the changing tides to fill their bellies and raise their young. This beach persists, despite the fragility of nature's balance. Where ever I go, I take a piece of it with me.
"And will not God bring about justice for God's beloved who cry day and night? Will God keep putting them off? I tell you, God will see they get justice and quickly." Luke 18:6-8
Jesus talks about the Creator as one who, unlike the corrupt judge, is constantly faithful, persistent in love and justice. No matter how the tides of popularity turn, God listens and responds to the needs of the people. God does not wait to be worn down, but is active at all times in responding and bringing justice. God is always ready to break through the darkness and the clouds and bring a new day. God will turn the loss and mourning into new days and new paths of justice. Love and compassion are the Creator's attributes and when we ask, in the midst of our dark terrors, God responds with love that makes all things new.
It rained through the night, sometimes loudly and insistent. But morning came, persistent with promise and healing. Today, despite the enormous tasks ahead, I want to remember to ask for God's help, knowing that God is more ready to respond than I am to ask. When humans fail, God stays faithful to us and is persistent with us until love resolves the pain. I want to remember whatever the task and the challenge, we are never alone. May God strengthen each of us today, to go forward, knowing God is hanging with us, bringing justice and love with every breath we take.
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