"and when they could not get near him because of the crowd, they removed the roof above him; and when they had made an opening, they let down the pallet on which the paralytic lay." Mark 2:4
Today is my youngest daughter's birthday. She is 21 today, fully an adult and still fully my child, though I am sure there are days where she has wished otherwise. Phoebe was born the summer between my second and final year of seminary, right smack dab in the middle of General Convention. Sitting there last weekend, in the House of Bishops, I couldn't help think of that summer so long ago when the last thing on my mind was General Convention. I did get a phone call from my Bishop, Ted Eastman, with prayers and blessings on our new arrival. That was very nice. But the business of Convention mattered little to the incredible reality that a little life had deemed to come among us. Phoebe was beautiful and perfect, a child who was compassionate and creative from the get-go. And she has always been the best of friends. I could see her as one of the folks helping the paralysed man to see Jesus. I can see her tearing through a roof for the good of another. I know that her love and care for others is that strong. And in light of her life, all the machinations of so many conventions just have to take a back seat. Life takes precedence over politics. And when life is threatened by politics, then good people must speak up. I have heard Phoebe and our two other daughters, Emily and Ariel, raise their voices loud when politics overshadows life. And I couldn't be prouder.
Dear God, who fashioned us all in your image,
restore us the hearts that you first gave us.
Give us legs that carry the load for those who can't walk,
arms that lift up the weak and bodies that move for the life of others.
May our work and words be dedicated to healing.
May our lives be dedicated to loving all, as you do.
Make our deliberations light and our words kind
so that travelers everywhere might find safe rest with us.
And may our passage through this life be completed
as we find your love in our midst. Amen.
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