An argument arose among them as to which of them was the greatest. But Jesus, knowing the reasoning of their hearts, took a child and put him by his side and said to them, “Whoever receives this child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me receives him who sent me. For he who is least among you all is the one who is great.” Luke 9:46-48
It is all too easy to exclude the youngest from complicated events. They are messy and noisy and need a lot of room. I just returned from a wonderful wedding where everyone welcomed the children and it seemed as though this extended family not only included these children, but welcomed their unique gifts and their participation. It was by no means a child centric event, but rather a family that loved and welcomed everyone. I felt blessed to be among such a group, where everyone was valued and were coming together to celebrate Alex and Ryan.
We are all never far from our child selves, our messy exuberant, sometimes flailing selves. But Jesus tells us as we welcome the least, the odd, the goofy, the different noisy and challenging, then we are welcoming God. God is with us as we welcome these and as we find a place for these among us. If we make the least a home then God makes a home with us.
Today, I am grateful for the witness of my friends, for their love and the community of faithful people that surrounded them. And I am so grateful that God comes in the midst of us and makes a home with us as we welcome the least. May we all have the courage to make room, make a home, and make a place for the least among us for God is truly there.
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