After this Jesus went about in Galilee. He would not go about in Judea, because the Jews were seeking to kill him. Now the Jews' Feast of Booths was at hand. So his brothers said to him, “Leave here and go to Judea, that your disciples also may see the works you are doing. For no one works in secret if he seeks to be known openly. If you do these things, show yourself to the world.” For not even his brothers believed in him. Jesus said to them, “My time has not yet come, but your time is always here. The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify about it that its works are evil. You go up to the feast. I am not going up to this feast, for my time has not yet fully come.” After saying this, he remained in Galilee. But after his brothers had gone up to the feast, then he also went up, not publicly but in private. The Jews were looking for him at the feast, and saying, “Where is he?” And there was much muttering about him among the people. While some said, “He is a good man,” others said, “No, he is leading the people astray.” Yet for fear of the Jews no one spoke openly of him. John 7:1-12
Today is our daughter Emily's birthday and although we are up to our eyeballs with packing, it was important to take time out to celebrate. She had decided that she wanted to invite a couple of friends and her two young cousins out for fun at the arcade. We gathered for several hours while the kids, young and old, made themselves giddy on winning tickets and playing games. Skeeball was a necessary element of the day. Although it wasn't really the time to celebrate, with so much to do, it made all the difference in the world to take time out and watch kids eat cake and have a blast. Sometimes, even when the times don't see right, it's important to celebrate and to have a ridiculous amount of fun.
Jesus was aware of the complexity of his life and ministry. He had to think about when and if he could be in public, as he was causing quite a stir and wasn't well received. His family was not even in a good mood with him. Life was displaced and out of sync. He finally joined them at the feast, although quietly. Even the Son of God found it important to seek out and be with his own and to celebrate.
Today, I want to celebrate the wonderful gift that is Emily. She turned our world upside down thirty three years ago today and she is still makes this world a wonderful place to be. I am so grateful to God for her. May we all take time to celebrate the loved ones in our lives who make the world a place of joy and light, even in the midst of major transitions and displaced emotions and belongings. For in the celebration we find God anew.
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