Monday, October 12, 2020

Indigenous Peoples' Day

Now there was a Pharisee named Nicodemus, a leader of the Jews. He came to Jesus by night and said to him, ‘Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God; for no one can do these signs that you do apart from the presence of God.’ Jesus answered him, ‘Very truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above.’ Nicodemus said to him, ‘How can anyone be born after having grown old? Can one enter a second time into the mother’s womb and be born?’ Jesus answered, ‘Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit. What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not be astonished that I said to you, “You must be born from above.” The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.’ Nicodemus said to him, ‘How can these things be?’ Jesus answered him, ‘Are you a teacher of Israel, and yet you do not understand these things? ‘Very truly, I tell you, we speak of what we know and testify to what we have seen; yet you do not receive our testimony. If I have told you about earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you about heavenly things? No one has ascended into heaven except the one who descended from heaven, the Son of Man. And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life. ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. John 3:1-16

Indigenous Peoples' Day - A Litany

O Great Creator who places your people
in every corner of this rich round earth
adorning them with beauty and wisdom
help us to celebrate the gifts of this land.
We are your people, born of your spirit.

Many have come to conquer and possess
yet still we thrive grounded in your love
our feet are planted on sacred ground
and eyes lift to your voice in the night sky.
We are your people, born of your spirit.

There is conflict and violence everywhere
yet still you are in the midst of us all
you have made us sisters and brothers
relatives of all that you have made.
We are your people, born of your spirit.

Strengthen us to love despite misunderstanding
Help us to live gently on the land you give us
Empower us to show your presence everywhere
Make us your hands of love in trying times. 
We are your people, born of your spirit. Amen

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