Thursday, February 18, 2021

I Saw the Spirit

The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and declared, “Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! This is he of whom I said, ‘After me comes a man who ranks ahead of me because he was before me.’ I myself did not know him; but I came baptizing with water for this reason, that he might be revealed to Israel.” And John testified, “I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it remained on him. I myself did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’ And I myself have seen and have testified that this is the Son of God.” John 1:29-34

Creator, you breathe your spirit
across the land and the seas
you give us your life and breath
renew our spirits in these times.

Savior, you stood deep in the water
baptized for once and for ever
we are sinking and fighting storms
struggling to hold on against the tide.

We are weary as this Lent begins
we are weak and always fearful
yet you lift us up every morning
and breathe your spirit every day.

Empower us today to get up again
strengthen us to serve and welcome
baptize us with power and humility
so love might flow like deep waters. Amen.

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