Tuesday, June 18, 2024


As they were gathering in Galilee, Jesus said to them, ‘The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into human hands, and they will kill him, and on the third day he will be raised.’ And they were greatly distressed. When they reached Capernaum, the collectors of the temple tax came to Peter and said, ‘Does your teacher not pay the temple tax?’ He said, ‘Yes, he does.’ And when he came home, Jesus spoke of it first, asking, ‘What do you think, Simon? From whom do kings of the earth take toll or tribute? From their children or from others?’ When Peter said, ‘From others’, Jesus said to him, ‘Then the children are free. However, so that we do not give offence to them, go to the lake and cast a hook; take the first fish that comes up; and when you open its mouth, you will find a coin; take that and give it to them for you and me.’ Matthew 17:22-27

As a child, I loved this story and do even now. Growing up near the ocean, in time where we loved to fish, catch crabs and find clams, the idea of finding a coin in a fish's mouth was so thrilling. Finding a real treasure. We love the story of pirates and dreamed of diving for pirate gold. The coin that Peter found, paid their taxes. Oh, wouldn't it be nice if we could all fish for our tax monies? Yet today, Jesus is reminding us that all that we need is covered. We can seek him out when the burdens of life overwhelm us. We might not find the pirate's gold, but there will enough for the day, every day.

Generous Creator, you bless us with enough
even when time is running away from us
when the clouds gather into the storms
you provide for the needs of your children.

Too often we panic and run for cover
we forget that you stand with us in the storm
you will give us buoyancy as the waves crash
and help us find the way back to safe harbor.

Lift our spirits today, dear Lord Christ
that we might be abundance for others
let your love and faithfulness dwell with us
so that we might rest in your promises. Amen.

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