Monday, October 14, 2024

Indigenous Peoples' Day

A Litany for Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Creator, you made us all in your beautiful diversity 
us in all four corners of your sacred earth 
And you call us together now on the four winds 
Inviting us to be renewed and healed by your spirit. 
Creator, author of all goodness, water us with your tears and bind us all as one. 

Your people have been scattered, abused and broken 
Yet always you sang to us by the light of sister moon 
You spoke to us through the radiance of brother sun 
Through the very ground you remind us we are loved. 
Creator, source of compassion, you bear our pain and hear our silent screams. 

They took our land and then they took our little ones 
You heard our moaning and our cries in the night
 Sending comfort and vision for a new generation of hope 
To the seventh generation you have promised healing. 
Creator, you know our hearts, help us to pray as our ancestors did. 

You placed us on lush, green and fertile lands 
Draped with golden mountains and deep rivers 
You taught us how to care for every living thing 
But strangers came and did not see your beauty. 
Creator, you bring sight to the blind, help our people to see again. 

Loving Creator, use our wounds for the healing of our circle
 Use our voices so the songs of the silenced are heard again 
Use the threads of our anger and shame for the mending of this hoop 
Use our homes and our ancient lands as places of sacred promise. 
Creator, make us whole again, so our mother is renewed for all. Amen.

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