Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sarah Palin and Moms running for office

In April, I was in Alaska at the Interior Deanery Meeting when the governor had her baby. We rejoiced and prayed for her and her family as we gathered that weekend. I could not have imagined that she would, just several months later, become the vice presidential running mate of John McCain. I have been thinking a great deal lately about Moms who run for office and some of the challenges that effect all parents when they put their lives and their children in the spotlight and dive into the political cauldron. When my youngest child was born, 5 months later I found myself taking GOEs, (required qualifying exams for ordination in the Episcopal Church) and that seemed like an impossible task. I spent a long time in preparation, shed lots of tears, and only got through with the love ans support of my husband and many friends. There was not a spotlight on me then, but it still put my children at risk, and put pressure on innocents. When I was elected Suffragan Bishop in Southern Virginia, I constantly worried about the risky place I had invited my husband and daughters into by my own personal response to God's call. There were many rough times there, when people said and did hurtful things to my family. My husband battled cancer during that time and with much prayer I finally decided to step away from that situation so that he and my daughters could thrive. Ever since I was newly ordained I have shared with my parishes and communities that I consider my family to be my first ministry. I have always treated those people in my charge as family, but when my husband and children are at risk, I have always been clear that they came first. Some folks have criticized me for that. But it is who I am, and how I have to be faithful in the face of God's love and direction in my life.

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Mark 10:13

Erma Bombeck said once that "you know you are a successful parent when your children can pay for their own therapy." I have always been conscious that my actions and decisions have consequences, and my kids will have to live with those consequences. Our daughters have put up with a great deal and been my best supporters, and the best theologians, bar none. They have carried God's love to me when everyone else had run away. My beautiful young women are kind, faithful and loving despite the cruel and unjust face that the church has often revealed to them. So today, I want to pray for and remember all the children who have been put in harm's way by well meaning parents who are trying to follow God and their convictions. May they be protected from the criticism of those who are trying to hurt their parents. And, may we have the courage to put down our aspirations and ambitions for the sake of the little ones. May we all be agents of hospitality and invitation for the reign of God.

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