"One sabbath Jesus was going through the grain fields, and his disciples began to pick some heads of grain, rub them in their hands, and eat the kernels." Luke 6:1
I had the opportunity to drive from the retreat center in Wichita to Kansas City with one of the Deacons of the Diocese of Kansas. Allen, who heads the Episcopal Community Service in the diocese gave me a wonderful tour of Kansas City and told me about the ministry that is being done every day in the city. Some 400 people are fed every day. And several grocers and restaurants are very generous with the food they supply. One grocery regularly provides berries for the clients meals, even during the winter. Allen shared with me that some one had remarked that they didn't eat berries during the winter. And yet how kind and extravagant to provide ripe berries in the harshest season of want. It would seem to me a sign of God's grace and abundance - berries in winter.
Jesus gets in trouble with the religious leadership of the day for letting his disciples pick a few ears of grain on the sabbath. They were grown men who knew their laws. But they were hungry. How easy it is to judge others, and how hard it is to be hungry. Jesus encouraged his disciples to be full so they could be strong for others. It would seem that God's love is not found in rules but when we meet another person's need.
Today I would like to put the needs of others as my first priority. I want to be the person that brings berries in the harshest of days. We all need signs of God's abundance and sweetness. We all need to know from others that God is drawing close. May we, who have so much, be sweetness for others today.
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