"But I tell you who hear me. Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you." Luke 6:27-28
I have never taken up any betting game like poker because I know that things show on my face. Some people are excellent at masking pain and betrayal, and they can go through life never being asked what's wrong. But I am one of those unlucky people who show the world. It makes it hard for me to be a good politician. On the other hand, people can see care and compassion on my face, and for many folks, that is an invitation to share their stories with me. I am grateful for being someone who is approachable.
The ACC or Anglican Consultative Council is meeting this week in Jamaica. They are hashing out the hard issues facing our Church and Communion. Some strident folks, some politicians - and a whole lots of opinions are being aired. I wonder what would happen if we found a way to truly follow Jesus in this one. What would happen if we truly loved our enemies and prayed for those who mistreated us?
Jesus is up against a religious hierarchy and a world that masked human weakness behind rhetoric and rules. Folks felt safe when there was an order and total control. You know what side you're on and who to hate. But Jesus comes and sets the whole assumption of power aside. He invited his disciples and those listening to live with love for the other side, to offer up everything to the other, and to live without taking sides. An impossible task, for them and for us.
Today, I want to try to see the heart of the other. I need God's strength to have compassion and care for those who would harm me. I want to do more than forgive and forget. I want to learn to love those who do not love me. An impossible task, I know. But this is an undertaking for a life time and I expect that I will have to totally rely on God for the power to love my enemies. May we all have courage today to ask God to help us love those who are impossible for us to love. And may our attempt at loving our enemies be a daily, on-going practice. What a wonderful world it would be, what a wonderful Church and Communion we would have, if some of us truly loved our enemies.
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