Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." Matthew 9:37-38
Today, All Saints' Church will hold their Angel Fair. This is a major fundraiser for the church, and a very public day for this community. I have watched over the months as people have carefully made crafts, others have baked and cooked and others have donated large amounts of time and money. The love and labor poured out in this church family is incredible. And it is because they see themselves as a family that people are willing to work long and hard together. Despite the major set-up work that needed to happen last evening, there was no griping but rather laughter and delight. Much of what is raised go back into the community's tremendous outreach efforts.
Jesus was moved by the crowds and realized how great was their need and how few people were willing to respond. God needs our hands and hearts in the work of spreading the Gospel, the Good news of God's love for the world. He was aware that few people really want to work to bring healing to others and many felt inadequate or unable. And yet, God invites us all to bring the gifts that we have in service to others. And in so doing bring about the redemption of the world.
Today, I want to give thanks for the people of All Saints' who have taught me in a new way what it means to be laborers in God's fields. I give thanks for the tender and gentle ways they work together as a family and care for the larger community. My prayer is that we all can be grateful today for the people that have labored in God's fields for they have taught us so much about love.
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