“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26
I have been thinking about aging and how quickly we write people off after a certain age. We don't expect them to do anything new or exciting. Sometimes we turn on ourselves and don't expect anything new of ourselves. We like routine more than possibilities. We sometimes even think that God doesn't expect anything more out of us after a certain age. "I've done my bit, what more do you want?" It is like the people who think they stop being a parent when they children are grown. And yet, God, who is Creator and source of all creation, even ours, reminds us today that possibilities and potentials are blooming within us every single day. There is more to do. God, who give us life and breath expects us to continually grow and change, continually expect miracles and possibilities throughout our lives.
On the day before Thanksgiving, after a year of much change and growth, I want to give thanks for the possibilities that God has given me this year. This time last year, I didn't expect to find myself in the midst of this loving congregation and in this community where I have truly found a home. I didn't expect to find ways to deal with old problems or to have new friends to walk with me on my journey. All of those things have come to pass.
May we expect more of God and ourselves this coming year, knowing that the Great Creator, author of all that is good and life giving, is anxious to fill us to overflowing. May we rejoice when we ache with all the stretching and growing that has occurred in our lives. God's activity becomes possibility for all.
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