Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.James 4:14
Tonight we will say goodbye to 2009 and welcome 2010. Another year, another time of turning, of resolutions and promises, of hopes and dreams. We let go of where we have been and look forward with hope for the future. Here are some of the hopes I have for 2010 - this new year and the new decade.
1. Laugh more every day.
2. Forgive myself and others quickly.
3. Make each new day a brand new start.
4. Live generously.
5. Share freely.
6. Pray constantly and ask for God's help in everything.
7. Dance when all else fails.
8. Sing whenever possible.
9. Hold everyone closely.
10. Cherish the love I have been given.
All the resolutions I have made over many years, have never really been kept up with for very long. But committing to love and prayer, well, those are things I can do and can increase. And I can count on God for everything more and more each day - with practice and prayer.
May this final day of 2009 be a blessed day, wherever you find yourself. And, dear friends, may the coming year be a time of great joy and overflowing abundance. God is with us in this new decade, may we rejoice in the time and love we have been given.