"My soul magnifies the Lord,and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed." Luke 1:46-48
Staying Radiant
She was beating on the steering wheel
he was laying on the horn piercing green
anxiety strewn about blown by the stiff
cold blasts making every one bundle up abruptly
responding cruelly to the sales help.
A mother weeps within her limitations afraid
that Christmas is falling apart before it ever comes before
her eyes she sees piles of presents yet to wrap she questions
whether there is ever enough and which child
will cry first.
The collar and the black shirt are no armor
for the assault of the season.
People want from every where sickness threatens
the machines quit, the choir implodes
and silent night might only be found in
a forced inpatient setting.
Oh Mary and Elizabeth teach us to sing!
These times of bringing God into the world
labor is so wrenching tearing at our beings
twisting our good natures into wild
thrashing animals.
Oh Joseph and Zechariah, teach us patience!
We are so frail and human broken by the strain
and you perplexed by God trusted and went ahead.
We are afraid of failing afraid of going astray
lead us through the wilderness take us
to Bethlehem with songs on our lips and
a star up above.
We too would be radiant when the child comes
when Emmanuel, God with us bursts
into our frozen groaning world.
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