And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father's only son, full of grace and truth. John 1:16
I suspect that God's hands hold
our feet, our entire selves, tenderly
like mother father parent tenderness praying
for good days and gentle nights.
I imagine God's heart is full of hope
for each of us God leans on elbows dreaming
possibilities that we would embrace with open arms
that we would entertain with an open heart
that we would see word made flesh for us.
I fear that we are so ready to discount God's love
for us and deny the abundant imagining
we feel inadequate and we fear failure.
I know that loving is never failure trying again
is never a mistake, renewing and rebuilding are
the acts of Word made Flesh, Immanuel, God in us.
I pray today that these hands and feet
reach and hold love, might know within
God's tender hope and dreams for this old child.
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