Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Watching Swans

So the Pharisees said to one another, "See, this is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole world has gone after him." John 12:19

The other day, on a cool and beautiful September afternoon, I was watching swans as they slowly swam in circles, two or three together, sometimes drifting apart. They seemed aimless and without focus, lolling on the water, paddling back and forth. Slowly, very slowly, I realized that they were searching for food below the surface, and every so often their heads would submerge and the tail feathers alone would be seen. I found out that what looked like goofing off, was really intense life-saving labor. It was done with all the grace that swans possess and in the beat and rhythm that the Creator installed in their model.

I am aware how so many ducks and others wish to be swans. And sometimes swans look like they have it easy. Jealousy can arise in the most ardent and faithful in our communities. The Pharisees are a good example. If they were alive today as a group, we would call them good churchmen. They were learned and kept the laws. They knew how to raise the children and they produced scholarly works. They served the poor in the community when necessary. And yet, they seemed to be jealous scoundrels, following Jesus around, trying to trip him up and angry when people loved him. The same politics exist in the Church today. Sad to think that we have never learned how to rejoice for those who are outfitted with many gifts and celebrate that people gravitate toward them. Instead, we get angry and plot to take them down.

Today is the day to look inside and see where jealousy is controlling and shutting out the work of God's love in our lives. Today, I want to pray that God's love will wipe our my jealousies and fears. I want to move to that place where I can celebrate and encourage the gifts and skills of another, knowing God is encouraging and using my unique gifts. I want to, like the duck that I am, swim and move as the Creator has designed me. I want to serve without jealousy and anger standing in the way of love.

I offer this prayer for all those who would like to get beyond the petty and be empowered for service, right where we are.

Dear loving Creator,
you fashioned me in the perfection of your understanding and yet, over and over, I have desired to be something or someone else. I have worn my jealousy as righteousness. I have judged others unworthy when you have not done so. My heart is aching to be free of being a Pharisee, missing the joy and splendor of Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem. I don't know how many blessings I have missed because of my hurt and anger. I ask you to give me new eyes, and a new heart. Give me eyes to see your hand at work in others. Give my heart joy where there was only anger. Give my being a new understanding of each one of us as your unique creations. Help me to drop the load of comparison and pick up the instruments of celebration. For you have made us all, perfect and beloved in your eyes and infinitely close to your heart. In Christ's name we pray, Amen.

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