And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them. Mark 10:13-16
I have been interviewed in the past few days by a young girl in our parish. She is working on a school project about women in leadership roles and asked if I was willing to participate. I said yes. She called me last week and asked me some questions about my life. It was a lovely conversation and she was very perceptive both with her questions and her insights. She then called me back to get some details correct. And then her Mom emailed me because they need photos and other items as part of a time line. So I have been digging through pictures on the computer and in musty boxes, traveling down memory lane through my childhood. It is amazing the things we remember when we start digging through old things. And it is remarkable how old sensations come right back, triggered by an image, a smell or the touch of something from childhood. One thing triggers another and it is easy to wander melodramatically through the startling memories of childhood and youth. And there is also the reality that growing up is work, being a child is a most vulnerable state and I am not willing to be there again despite the many joys and delights of my childhood. And then the Gospel appointed for today points right to our need to be like a child to know God. And as silly as I like to be, that is not what I want to hear. The strength and capacity I have gained as an adult are not my entrance ticket to the kingdom of heaven. It is only my heart, child like, vulnerable and open.
So for today, I want to regain a sense of being like a child - open, inquisitive and fearless. It is simply too easy as an adult to judge situations and people and dismiss them because they are frivolous and insignificant. I want to learn again how to reveal in the details of making, the ins and outs of creating with my hands and the joy there is in discovering something completely new. May God find us today, as we struggle to be open. May we fling our arms open wide when God come near, like a child today.
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