The Lord GOD has given me the tongue of a teacher, that I may know how to sustain the weary with a word. Morning by morning he wakens, wakens my ear to listen as those who are taught. The Lord GOD has opened my ear, and I was not rebellious,I did not turn backward. Isaiah 50:4-5
Every priest and bishop, every pastor and clergy person wonders from time to time whether what they are doing is working, they wonder if anyone is listening, whether anyone is paying the least little bit of attention out there. It is hard work putting a sermon and service together, let along coordinating a motley group of volunteers in order to make things happen on Sundays. Anyone who teaches Sunday School or any other kind of class, ,knows how much goes on behind the scenes to get ready for one class, let alone a whole semester. And knows also how easily things can come apart , even when everything is planed well and in place. Being a teacher requires nerves of steel, a heart of gold, a good sense of humor and feet which can dance at any minute. Teaching and learning most of all requires a listening heart and an open spirit. And there are many weary ones who need to hear a loving and kind word.
Today, on Palm Sunday, we have paraded around the neighborhood, reenacting the triumphal entry into Jerusalem. And then we came into church, and listened and turned the whole pageantry inward, and listen to the passion of Christ. A story of betrayal, denial, political intrigue and trauma of great magnitude. We sit together and try to imagine individually how it was to live through these events. And we learn together through pageant, sign and story, how much God loves us despite our refusals, betrayal and how much we sell each other out.
Today, I want to give thanks for all those who have taught me well in m life. For those who have brought a kind word of support and sustenance. I am grateful for young and old alike who have taught me to have faith and to trust God for every need. May we rejoice in our teachers today, and give thanks for God for a love so great and so broad. We have all been fed and sustained by a most loving God who took on death that we might live with joy.
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