He meant to pass by them, but when they saw him walking on the sea they thought it was a ghost, and cried out, for they all saw him and were terrified. But immediately he spoke to them and said, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.” Mark 6:48-50
So many are on rough seas these days, so many are afraid. The life they had planned has been taken away. Others have had their dreams taken from them. For others, the pain is too great. And others have been betrayed by people they trusted and love. We have been having unseasonably nice weather here for a few days. But this morning dawned gray and dark, wind and sprinkles promising a deluge. March is a challenging month for many, so close to spring and yet so regularly spring so far away. Pain and failure seem to mark so many days.
The disciples were out on a boat in turbulence, in crisis. They thought Jesus was no where to be found, that he had abandoned them and left them to die. And yet they see him, walking on the water, almost passing them by. When the call to him, he not only comes to them, but he gets in the boat with them. He gets in the boat, the son of God, who could walk on by, is willing to jump into their predicaments and bring them peace.
Today I want to remember that God is constantly willing to get in our boats with us. The boats that are filled with pain and worry, the boats which are filled with failure and ruin, the places that are teeming with illness and dread - God is willing to jump into those places with us. And more than being with us, God is willing to bring us peace and help us to the other side of the lake. God is willing to stay with us and help us find solid ground. May we trust in God today, in the middle of our worst storms, to seek us out and come to our darkest places. And may our hearts be open to receive that peace and that possibility that only God can give - the promise on rock solid ground in shaky times.
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