Thursday, January 4, 2024

Mary Letter Day Twenty-Nine

1 You have been gracious
 to your land, O Lord, * 
you have restored the 
good fortune of Jacob. 
2 You have forgiven 
the iniquity of your people * 
and blotted out all their sins. 
3 You have withdrawn 
all your fury * 
and turned yourself from 
your wrathful indignation. 
 4 Restore us then, 
O God our Savior; * 
let your anger depart from us. 
5 Will you be 
displeased with us for ever? * 
will you prolong your
 anger from age to age? 
 6 Will you not give us life again, * 
that your people may rejoice in you?
7 Show us your mercy, O Lord, * 
and grant us your salvation. 
8 I will listen to what the 
Lord God is saying, * 
for he is speaking peace to his 
faithful people and to those 
who turn their hearts to him.
9 Truly, his salvation is very 
near to those who fear him, * 
that his glory may dwell in our land. 
10 Mercy and truth have met together; * 
righteousness and peace 
have kissed each other. 
11 Truth shall spring 
up from the earth, * 
and righteousness shall look
 down from heaven. 
12 The Lord will indeed grant prosperity, * 
and our land will yield its increase. 
 13 Righteousness shall go before him, * 
and peace shall be a pathway for his feet. Psalm 85

Dear Mama,

The weather turned quite cold here and the wind howled all night. I was concerned that the wind would upset the baby. We walked with him outside after dark, as we often do, and found that he loves the wind and the cool air on his face. He kicked his little legs and threw his head back, enjoying every minute. He is a surprise and delight every day. I do wish he would sleep through the night but Anna tells me that won't happen for a while yet. We are trying to rest during the day, when he is sleeping, but that is easier said than done. The city is so noisy and I get anxious when I hear soldiers nearby. We are very careful during daylight hours. I do miss sitting in the sun but know I need to protect this precious little one.

We were hoping to begin our journey home in the next few days, but the military presence is too troublesome right now and the wise women say I am not quite ready to travel.  We think we will try to travel at night when we finally set out, heading towards a cousin's house just a few hours walk from here. I am getting stronger every day. I walk around in this big barn as much as I can, trying to regain my shape after carrying the baby. I walk with him a good deal, even though it is more like pacing and patting, singing to him all the while. I wasn't sure I was ready for motherhood, but I am finding I am getting more comfortable, and remember all the things you taught me. Thank you for being a wonderful mother and showing me how to care for a child. 

Pray we can come home soon. I am so lonesome for home and both of you!



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