“If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you." John 14:15-17
I have always had to rely on others when it comes to some household projects. I am not a skilled carpenter, and there are many other areas I know better than to mess with. We have had a visitation of squirrels in our attic, and although some people believe they can deal with this problem themselves, we knew this was way beyond our skill sets when faced with these critters - seemingly so cute and literally house wreckers. The man came and set up a plan by which we would go forward, and I am assured that in a few weeks things will be better. Now, if only all things in life were so simple and we could have helpers like him to make it through the deeper struggles of life.
Jesus said to his disciples to keep his commandments - to love one another. And if they were willing to love one another, Jesus would send them another helper, the Spirit of Truth, who is willing to dwell with us if we have love for one another. A helper of great magnitude for the greatest struggles and ordeals in our lives. And yet, how hard it is for us to keep Jesus' commandment to love one another. We would rather criticize and bicker, gossip and critique than we would honor and respect each other. And yet when hard times comes, we want more from God. We ache for a comforter, a helper, a guide in our darkest hours. God promises that for all of us, even when we fail to love each other. But oh, how wonderful it would be if we opened our hearts to one another in love, and the holy spirit could come in at all times.
Today, I want to put aside all criticism. I want to consider the good gifts that each person brings and honor them for those gifts. I know I will fall short of that goal. And yet I also have to trust God to send the spirit to teach me new ways to love when I have lost my way. May we all strive to love today, knowing that God will bless us richly in our efforts with an extraordinary helper. the spirit of truth, the spirit of love.
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