And they went out and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had seized them, and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid. Mark 16:8
The weather has been glorious. It was an Easter Sunday to remember. The pews were filled, the bells were rung and the spirit was strong and lively. Wonderful gatherings of family and friends, Easter eggs hidden and discovered, all in all it was an Easter for the record books. A top shelf celebration for a most important day. And yet I can't help but think that first Easter was more about fear and trembling, astonishment and confusion. Did something incredible happen here? Or is some terrible plot continuing to unfold? And how often do we, so many generations later, when face with God's love drawing near, turn and run with fear and trembling. Generous life giving love is something that make us as anxious as it does make us fill with joy. Either we think we don't deserve it, or we aren't that loved. And yet, God brought life from death, freedom from all darkness and light where there was only gloom. Love persevered until the stone rolled away. Nothing holds love back.
Today, on Easter Monday, when we are trying to rest, recoup and face the days to come - it is easy to forget the glory and to be trapped by the fear. And yet, I insist today, to revel in the gift of God's love. A love that will not hold back, will not refuse anyone - this love broke through even death, and no challenges ahead can take Easter away.
So, today, the word for all of us is - FEAR NOT. Love has completed what human hands and imaginations could not. Love rolled the stone away and made us one family, no matter how fearful we become, how far we run, or how much confusion seeps into our lives.
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