"For everyone who exalts themselves will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted." Luke 18:14
I have been thinking about cars a good deal lately while mine sits in the body shop being repaired. The car that I have now, I bought from my brother-in-law, and although it is in great condition, with low mileage, it has had a few reminders of its age. After seven years, the lighter doesn't work, so I can't plug in my phone charger, and the front cup holder is busted. There are other small things that are challenging. There are a few street parking dings about which we have decorated with green magnetic fish from the store where my daughter works. It is not a status symbol by any means. Americans tend to read who people are by their cars, and tend to buy for looks and status, if they have any choice. Cars are extensions of ourselves and we want to get noticed and exalted in others eyes.
My hope for today is simply that I will walk humbly through the day. Not persuaded by looks or status, but by what's in the heart. I won't have my car back yet, but I can be grateful for all the signs of age and mileage that my car and my life have. They are all signs of the many happy hours I have spent with my family, the thousands of times, God has brought me through, seen me beyond the rough patches. All the frustrating and humbling mistakes of the past, are only an opportunity to see God's abundance in the midst of my lack, and God's tender care when the road was very bumpy. May we all have humility in the face of the overwhelming and compassionate love of God, who covers up and protects us along life's road.
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