One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus' feet, and he was a Samaritan. Luke 17:15-16
A long time ago, I had surgery on my back, just after we had moved to Denver Colorado. We arrived in late August and my surgery was in late October. I was hospitalized for a month due to the development of a staph infection in the wound. I was very frustrated, a young mother, and I spent a great deal of my time bargaining and wrestling, in my own unique way, with God. I wanted out so bad, and begged night and day to be healed and sent home. Every night I would go to sleep desperately wanting to be completely healed. I wanted to wake up to a miracle. I got to go home the day before Thanksgiving, long ahead of schedule. A different kind of miracle occurred. My husband learned to clean the wound, which was a pretty gruesome mess, and promised that he would change the dressing and clean the wound twice a day. And he was faithful, going beyond brave to help me get home. And I did get better, and was healed. And the part I probably forgot was the thank you. Oh, maybe I said thank you from time to time, but I was so caught up in getting better that I probably wasn't grateful - to Mark, to my Mother who faithfully took care of Emily throughout, or especially to God. God listened to my complaint, stopped on the road and brought me healing. And I was too busy to be grateful.
Today, I want to remember in prayer, and be grateful for all of the people in my life who have been God's hands in my life. By their skill and love they have presented miracles. And I want to be grateful to God who answered my cries and heard me calling in the night. I want to spend my day thankful. I pray that we can all spend our day thankful. For we are surrounded by abundance and healing. May we see the face of Jesus in the midst of all the good in our lives, and remember to be thankful.
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