Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Mary Letter Day Sixteen

65 O Lord, you have dealt 
graciously with your servant, * 
according to your word.
66 Teach me discernment 
and knowledge, * 
for I have believed 
in your commandments. 
 67 Before I was afflicted 
I went astray, * 
but now I keep your word. 
 68 You are good and 
you bring forth good; * 
instruct me in your statutes. 
 69 The proud have 
smeared me with lies, * 
but I will keep your commandments 
with my whole heart. 
 70 Their heart is gross and fat, * 
but my delight is in your law. 
 71 It is good for me 
that I have been afflicted, * 
that I might learn your statutes. 
72 The law of your mouth 
is dearer to me * 
than thousands in gold and silver. Psalm 119:65-72

Dear Mama and Papa,

We are getting very close to Bethlehem! The trip has gone quite smoothly, although slowly, since I cannot walk very fast, or for very long. Riding the donkey is fine on smooth terrain but becomes much more difficult on rocky and uneven ground. So, I walk the hills and ride on easier roads. Joseph has been very attentive and very protective of me. We noticed there are a good deal of people traveling and he fears someone might try to rob us. I think we are going to be safe, and I appreciate his worry. There are many Roman soldiers on the roads as well, They have stopped us a few times, but for the most part have been no trouble. It is so hard sometimes to live in an occupied country. They really don't understand our ways and our culture.

We have a lovely visit with a little sheepherder last night. We had stopped to rest after climbing a hill and she came up to us from her family's campfire. She was no more than six or seven, but she was delightful and wanted to know all about the baby and us. Their camp overlooks the light of Bethlehem and she told us about how she looks at the stars at night for signs from God. I told her that she should keep looking up, for our Lord does speak to us, often in strange and wonderful ways. She was so sweet and brought us tea flavored with honey, saying we needed refreshment before we continue. Such a little mother already! We left there and went continued on until we got to our resting place here. Lovely friends of Joseph, who gave us and bed and some wonderful breads when we woke up. We'll be back on the road as soon as the moon rises. It's light helps us to navigate and prevents me from falling. 

Mama and Papa we are well and strong. It feels as if our God is walking with us. Please don't worry, we will see you soon!



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