Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Mary Letter Day 27 - Before the Mountains

The LORD created me 
at the beginning of his work, 
the first of his acts of long ago. 
Ages ago I was set up, at the first, 
before the beginning of the earth.
 When there were no depths 
I was brought forth, 
when there were no springs 
abounding with water. 
Before the mountains 
had been shaped,
 before the hills, 
I was brought forth
when he had not yet made 
earth and fields, 
or the world’s first bits of soil. 
When he established the heavens,
 I was there, 
when he drew a circle 
on the face of the deep,
 when he made firm the skies above, 
when he established the fountains of the deep, 
when he assigned to the sea its limit, 
so that the waters might not transgress his command, 
when he marked out the foundations of the earth, 
then I was beside him, like a master worker; 
and I was daily his delight, 
rejoicing before him always. Proverbs 8:22-30

Dear Mama,

I went for a walk yesterday in this strange city. Although we have been here several days the wise women did not want me to venture forth until I was healed up to their liking. I was getting stiff from sitting in this barn, which can be drafty and quite limited in space. So out we went, my little boy and I. He was bundled up and tied to me and we walked through the loud market and the dusty streets. Joseph went with us for a time, then headed off to the census office while I picked up some food for our dinner. At every stall, the shop keeper wanted to see the baby, often calling over other family members to look on this child. There is something wonderful and ancient about him. His eyes look on everyone with great delight. I didn't have a chance to purchase much for our dinner. Most of the vendors gave us food as gifts and several said they would deliver it in the afternoon.

We napped after our walk, both of us exhausted and ready to rest. My little baby curled in my arms, we slept for several hours until we were startled by loud shouting. I hopped up and found several shop boys with arms overloaded with fruit, vegetables and meats. Our hostess heard the racket and came running, thinking something awful was happening. When she saw the young boys laden with gifts, she couldn't help but laugh. I did too. We tried to give them some money but they refused. She gave them each some sweet cakes and then gathered up the meats so she could cook them. There is way to much for us alone, and I told her to keep s much as she needed. 

There is something amazing about this child, Mama. Oh, yes, we did hear about him from angels, but I wasn't prepare at all for how people react to him. From the shepherds, our hosts to the shopkeepers, he touches them somehow. He is normal, healthy and full of life like all babies. Maybe all moms feel this way. I am tired but overjoyed with this little gift from God. I cannot wait to show him to you and have you hold him and help me raise him.



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